At a public meeting of the parishioners of St. Thomas's Parish, held in the Church of England School-house, on Monday last, Arthur Hopkins, Esq, Murdeduke, in the chair. The Honorary Secretary of the Church Committee of the past year read the following report:-
Report of the Church Committee of St. Thomas's Parish, Winchelsea, for the year ending 31st March, 1863.
To the Parishioners.
Ladies and Gentlemen, - It is with feelings of gratification that your Committee come before you with a report of the proceedings of the past year, and although we have experienced some little difficulty in the collection of the stipend of our beloved Pastor, it is satisfactory to record that during the past year the parishioners have marked their approbation of the labours of the Rev. Edward Tanner in a most substantial manner.
We have during the year now at a close received £175 15s. 9d., with which we have paid to the Rev. Edward Tanner the sum of £169 5s. 9d. as stipend, and to Mrs. Wallace £6 10s. for cleaning the church, for year ending 31st March.
We now hand over the books to you, with the hope that you will find our accounts correct, and wish success to the Church for the ensuing year.
Moved by Mr. George Anderson, seconded by Mr. James Scott, and carried - "That a vote of thanks be tendered to the Committee of last year for their exertions."
Moved by Mr. W. Stirling, junior, seconded by Mr. John Thompson, and carried - "That the Committee of last year be elected for ensuing year, with power to add to their number."
Moved by Mr. George Anderson, seconded by Dr. Henry Meyler, was carried - "That the Committee meet in the Public Library, at 3 o'clock, p.m, on Monday next."
At the close of the meeting a vote of thanks was unanimously awarded to Arthur Hopkins, Esq., as Chairman of the Committee, and also to Dr. Henry Meyler, as Honorary Secretary.